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Add a Microsoft Hyper-V connection to Backup & Disaster Recovery appliance

Before adding a Hyper-V connection, make sure you have:

To add a Hyper-V connection to appliance:

  1. In the appliance Management Console, go to ClientsHyper-V.

  2. On the actions toolbar, click Add Connections.

    Add connection

    The connection wizard opens.

  3. At the first step of the connection wizard:

    • From the Windows Client drop-down list, select the client you created for the Hyper-V host.

      If you have not created a client previously, click Add New Client and follow the instructions to create one.

    • In the Description box, enter optional description for the connection, and then click Next.

    Click Next to continue.

    Select client

  4. At the second step of the connection wizard:

    • Select if you want to automatically register all Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs) available via the connection with appliance.

      Before a VM can be backed up, it must be registered with appliance. Upon registering a VM, appliance creates a local client for the VM used to manage and control backup and restore operations.

      You can also register VMs manually later.

    • Click View VM Client Defaults to view the default configuration settings used when registering a VM.

      You can change configuration settings for individual VM clients later.

    Click Finish to save changes and add the connection.

    Register VMs