›  Backup & Disaster Recovery  ›  Microsoft Hyper-V backup and restore  ›  Manage connections  ›  View and manage connections

View and manage Microsoft Hyper-V connections on Backup & Disaster Recovery appliance

  1. In the Management Console of the Backup & Disaster Recovery appliance, go to ClientsHyper-V.

  2. On the actions toolbar, click View Connections.

    View connections

    The View Hyper-V Connections dialog opens.

    The dialog shows the available Hyper-V connections. Information in the dialog is presented in the table format with the following columns:

    Column Description
    Description Custom description of the connection
    Address IP address of the connected Hyper-V host
    Port Number of the port used for communication between the Hyper-V host and appliance
    VM Count Number of virtual machines (VMs) available via the connection
    Connected Indicates if the Hyper-V host is connected and available, or not
    Cluster Fqdn Fully qualified domain name of the Hyper-V host

    List of connections

To manage a Hyper-V connection, right-click the connection to open the context menu with the available actions.


Action Description
Remove Remove the connection, associated VMs and their clients, and associated backup jobs (optionally) from appliance
Properties View and edit the connection properties. To edit properties, you must first deactivate the connection—click Disconnect.
Connect Activate the connection if it is inactive
Disconnect Deactivate the connection if it is active