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Release notes for Backup & Disaster Recovery 8.x

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TLS 1.3 support for replication to and from Google Cloud Storage

ISO EFI support for the ColdBMR recovery tool

Option to enable or disable offsite GCS replication with the ability to replicate only the last successful backup job of the day

The backup agent skips VMRS and BIN files during Hyper-V backups by default

Implemented compression for AVHD, AVHDX, VMRS, and BIN files during Hyper-V backup replication to the public cloud

The “Replicate only last successful job of the day” option could cause replication of more than one backup job per day

Failure in one of multiple DR Image jobs that were scheduled to start simultaneously

Failure in the Browse and Restore function for Hyper-V jobs when a disk with an uppercase extension was present in the backup

Attempt to configure boot settings for a VM resulted in a NullPointerException error after updating from version 8.14.1 or earlier to version 8.16.0

Downloading a Hyper-V restore point from Hybrid Cloud was failing if the protected Hyper-V VM had a disk name containing a space

Progress of the Request Missing Blocks operation was reset if replication was interrupted due to a network connection issue

White-labeled version of the appliance UI

Automatic startup of VMs if they were running before the appliance reboot


Ability to download failback snapshots from Hybrid Cloud to the appliance

Support for resumable file uploads during replication sessions for Hyper-V and other jobs with large files

Disabled direct booting for Hyper-V jobs in Hybrid Cloud

The Boot › Overview subtab listed all clients that had ever existed on the appliance

Verification of multiple inconsistent jobs incorrectly marked all listed jobs, except for the first one, as successful


Unnecessary notification that DDFS repair was required whenever DDFS tried to access data with missing blocks

Occasional notifications in the Dashboard that a VM was running when it was not


Backup message log was missing detailed information about the Hyper-V errors

Ignyte DR backups via SMB and all Hyper-V backups always ran as full

Backup failure if image size was not aligned to 4 KB


The appliance saves DDFS repair history now

Running DDFS repair while having files in the shredder might cause data corruption

The job repair tool did not remove the failed verification status


Occasional boot verification failure because of the VirtIO driver injection issues

DR image backup failed with the error “System.ArgumentException: length cannot be negative” on dynamic disks with dynamic volumes


The appliance booted into the NoRAID mode after updating to Backup & Disaster Recovery 8.15.0


Boot verification jobs are now shown on the Active subtab (Management Console › BootActive)

A notification is shown in the Dashboard if the appliance unclean shutdown was detected

Added and configured as default a new transport protocol (NBD) instead of SMB

You can interrupt the DDFS repair process if you need to boot the appliance immediately

DDFS repair now checks the size of the BAM file and fixes it if needed

Backup agent now requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

Incorrectly formatted output of the SNMP sensor about the RAID status

Occasional failure of the appliance UI with the out-of-memory exception due to the duplicate VMware connections (records)


Turned off the automatic DDFS repair for appliances with booted VMs or a special configuration setting


Automatic DDFS repair on boot for appliances with total RAID capacity of 6 TB or less after unclean shutdown that detects backup jobs with missing data blocks and sets their status to Failed Verification

A new log file with Windows update activity and information is generated and can be downloaded for Windows clients to speed up and simplify troubleshooting

Option to check backup jobs for consistency

Switched the appliance base operating system from CentOS to CentOS Stream

Domain names for the back-end services (that is, updating, licensing, billing, support tunnel, and so on) are now consolidated as *-svc.infrascale.com

If you skipped the appliance Quick Start Wizard, the system showed the error message “Lost connection to DB”

The Export Virtual option in the appliance Management Console › SettingsNetwork Adapters was turned off by default for the newly set appliances in firmware version 8.13.6

DR image and Hyper-V backup jobs were occasionally marked as failed because of the issues with cleanup at the final stage

Internal service for the appliance Management Console UI crashed with the out-of-memory error a few times in a row. This resulted in a memory dump file being created each time the system tried to restart the service automatically. At the same time, the appliance ran the self-backup job – Myself – including all those memory dump files that led to gradual steady reduction of the RAID space.

Support of 32-bit DR backup agent


Option to skip installation of Windows updates when booting a VM on the appliance and during its boot verification

Implemented the retry logic for boot verification to resolve the issue when a VM booted in the Windows recovery mode due to pending Windows updates

Improved security by making the Premise-Request service restrict unauthorized access to critical configuration files and block downloading of any internal assets

Browse and restore operation failed with the error “Invalid main GPT header” if the main GPT header of the protected machine was invalid, but the backup itself was recoverable

Backup jobs that did not pass the bootability check were not reported and properly marked in the Dashboard

Backup jobs of machines with more than one operating system installed did not have the respective warning displayed for them in the appliance Management Console

In 8.13.5 release, the standard DR engine could not detect the .NET Framework sometimes and therefore DR image backups were failing

Option to reset temporary backup storage on the client that did not work with the standard DR engine

Option to run code remotely on the appliance and clients from the appliance Management Console

EULA acceptance step from the appliance Quick Start Wizard, DR backup agent installation wizard, and the VMware virtual appliance deployment flow

Terms of Service acceptance step before the appliance firmware update


Bare-metal restore now supports restore from the file system

An option to restore a backed up VM to VMware without a network adapter or a virtual distributed switch (for cases when those are not supported by the target VMware host)

VMs booted for verification now have screen saver turned off to avoid situations when the boot verification status was successful, but the screenshot was completely black (because of the screen saver) and did not reflect the status

Improved the boot verification algorithm to make it more reliable and stable for all supported operating systems

Deprecated the white-labeled version of the appliance

The Speed/Duplex Setting, Current Speed, and Current Duplex columns from the appliance Management Console › SettingsNetwork Status

Option to select speed and duplex in the appliance Management Console › SettingsNetwork Adapters


Users can now select which job warnings to show and ignore on the appliance per backup client

The History subtab could occasionally show an incorrect number of jobs

The appliance did not shut down the VM after its boot verification and did not send the respective monitoring events to the Dashboard

Wiping and auto-provisioning operations on the appliance made the connected USB flash drive a part of the SSD catalogs

Starting from the firmware version 8.0, the browse and restore feature stopped supporting NTFS sparse files in the protected system

The appliance did not send monitoring events to the Dashboard until it was rebooted


User interface for the DDFS repair status is now available via the HTTPS protocol

User interface for the DDFS repair status is now available if the user gets access to the appliance Management Console using the remote access proxy from the Dashboard

The Cloud Replication Status column that shows the status of uploading the jobs to Google Cloud Storage

After updating to firmware 8.13.0 or later, the registered appliance lost its registration information

The replication service status on the secondary appliance broke if the paired primary appliance was offline or the replication service was not running

The Filters button did not work on the Replicated Jobs subtab


The status of the jobs replicated to Google Cloud Storage when in the corresponding replication mode is now shown on the ReplicationStatus subtab in the appliance Management Console

The jobs replicated to Google Cloud Storage when in the corresponding replication mode are now shown on the Replicated Jobs subtab in the appliance Management Console

User interface for the DDFS repair status

Starting from the firmware version 8.11, the appliance system was using the RAID excessively

The appliance system logs were occasionally filled with the error messages “extract data from STATUS not handled”

The appliance system logs were occasionally filled with the error messages “Failed to check battery”

The Reconcile Secondary button on the ReplicationStatus subtab was not shown

Support of the legacy 3Ware RAID controller


Google Cloud Storage replication mode. (This is a beta feature, and it is not available in full yet.)

Option to pull the jobs back to the appliance from Google Cloud Storage. (This is a beta feature, and it is not available in full yet.)

Duplicate DR engine processes could start on one client that prevented the DR backup from completion


Right after a DR image backup is finished the system inspects the image and checks its integrity and browsability before the backup job is considered complete

The Cloud tab in the appliance Management Console for managing backup jobs stored in Google Cloud Storage

Appliance failed to show the correct current state of its RAID


This release brings a few user experience and interface updates, as well as lots of improvements under the hood.

At the same time, with this release, we deprecated and removed the archiving functionality. Do not update if you still want to use this feature.

Support of VMware vSphere 8.0

Option to request and upload the replicated data blocks missing on the appliance

The NoDB mode for the appliance Management Console that shows the web interface to the users when the database cannot be initiated or is disconnected

Appliances running firmware v8.6 or earlier can now update to the most recent firmware version only after installing the transitional firmware v8.11

When updating the backup agent from the appliance Management Console, the system showed a false warning about the possible restart of the appliance

Lengthy resetting of the replication connection when replication was idle

The appliance needed to restart a few times after the initial configuration via the Quick Start

An excessive QEMU logging caused extra CPU load on the appliances running boot

journalctl logs were not preserved upon restarting the appliance

/flash and /boot directories were not mounted in the DDFS repair mode

The system failed to find and delete some unreferenced data from the appliance (error message: “Invalid Request null”)

Failure to download all logs from the Support tab of the appliance Management Console (error “java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException”)

The appliance failed to restart automatically upon completing DDFS repair that was initiated from the appliance boot menu

When the Export Virtual option in the NIC bonding was selected, settings (MTU and Client ID) did not save properly

The jobs that were running during an unexpected restart or shutdown of the appliance remained in the system database and took the disk space. They were not visible in and could not be cleaned from the appliance Management Console (SettingsUnreferenced Data).

After wiping the appliance, a support tunnel could not be started from the appliance Management Console

System database could become corrupt and some system services could not start after the appliance reboot

Replication hanged in the WORKING state while the queue of the unprocessed jobs was increasing

Appliance Management Console stopped responding if an open job-related tab (for example, Scheduled Jobs, Recent Jobs, or other) contained an enormous number of data records to show

Shredder statistics showed some progress or negative values even when shredder was idle

Appliance failed to operate properly when polling the connected hosts of a Hyper-V cluster and detecting the same VM existed simultaneously on two Hyper-V hosts under the same ID

VMware VM backup jobs failed because the appliance lost connection with the vCenter instance or the host, but the system showed only the “java.lang.NullPointerException” error with no further explanation

Archiving functionality

Support of Microsoft Active Directory


After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.11.0 and restarting it, DDFS could fail to mount with the error “Block Dedup Setup Failed”

If the appliance system could not mount DDFS for whatever reason, this also blocked the Management Console UI from loading for quite some time


Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

DDFS Repair item (to verify and repair DDFS) to the appliance boot menu

Increased the speed of the backup data replication by optimizing the metadata compression

Improved performance of the DDFS repair tool by optimizing the chain of commands

Updated wording for automatic update of the Windows backup agents (appliance Management Console › SettingsFirmware Update)

Self-backup of the appliance system and configuration (Myself backup) completed with warnings

DR image backup job did not boot on the appliance, and also Browse and Restore for the job did not work (error “Can’t have a partition outside the disk!”)

If a VM failed to boot on the appliance (error “com.eversync.libvirt.LibvirtManager.getVmsFromConfigDir”), the configuration file of the VM became corrupt (zero size, broken content, or else) that led to the BootActive tab not showing the VM and the Boot Wizard could not be started

Incorrect default limit of the simultaneously booted VMs (1 instead of 9) for the secondary (cloud) 1880 appliance

Appliance did not respect the email server settings (address and port) when sending a support request

The appliance failed to send the BackupStarted and BackupInProgress monitoring events and thus the system did not show any values in the Latest Restore Point Primary and Latest Restore Point Cloud columns in Disaster RecoveryBackup Status in the Dashboard

A job for the same VMware VM started even if another one was already running (backup jobs were running simultaneously)

After the access credentials to a vCenter instance connected to the appliance changed or expired, the system tried infinitely to back up the VMs managed with that vCenter until stopped manually (instead of failing automatically)

Security issues and vulnerabilities: jQuery End of Life Detection, Object Extensions, and XSS-related; Dropbear Mishandling Filenames and Detection Consolidation; Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Key Exchange DoS; Weak Host Key and MAC Algorithms

Failure to open a support tunnel on the appliance using TUI if the tunnel number was out of the range 1–200

Appliances with no battery backup units installed on their RAID controllers showed an irrelevant warning (Battery Not Present)

If the appliance was hard restarted, the system database could not be loaded automatically

After breaking the network interface bonding on the appliance without applying the changes right away, the user could not set the static IP address if it was the same as the one used in the bonding

Configuration of the support tunnel was not retained after rebooting the appliance in the NoRAID mode since it was stored on the RAID

List of clients on the secondary (cloud) appliance did not update unless replication was stopped and started again

Appliance software RAID could not be initialized for a few disks from other RAIDs

Appliance booted in the NoRAID mode could not be accessed from the Dashboard

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.10 or 8.10.1, the network manager deactivated the network ports (especially if the network interface bonding was active)

Incorrect validation of the network settings in the appliance Quick Start (the Next button was grayed out as if the DHCP settings did not pass validation)

When restoring a VMware VM backup as a new VM, the wizard showed the Finish button instead of the Next one

Dialog with the first step in the Browse and Restore Wizard for the Microsoft SQL data had incorrect sizes and did not show the restore options

After editing the default settings for VMs in the appliance Management Console › ClientsEdit, the user was redirected to the Clients tab

A job schedule name could not be edited (appliance Management Console › SettingsBackupsJob Schedules)


DR image incremental backup job failed to merge with the previous one in the synthetic full, but had the successful status

If a backed up VMware VM became unavailable on the ESXi host, it could not be restored because the restore wizard would not start

Replication hanged often for a few minutes trying to process and send the UnimplementedInvokedMethodCollection.xml file

The server.xml log file on the appliance was flooded with the warning Job doesn't have startTime

The appliance Management Console did not start properly and showed the error message “Boot groups could not be retrieved” because of a failed disk in the appliance RAID

Upon re-initialization, the appliance started in the emergency mode, or started in the normal mode, but did not retain any settings upon the next restart

After updating firmware to version 8.10, 960 and 970 appliance models failed to re-initialize and booted in the NoRAID mode


Support of SMB 3.0 protocol by the appliance

Live migration of VMs that allows you to power them on without the need to wait for restore to complete (VMware vMotion)

Option to specify network for a VM during the restore so that the VM can be immediately used after the restore

DDFS shredder statistics (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsDeduplicated File System)

A new host (support2.myinfrascale.net) to open a technical support tunnel to the appliance

Upon logging in to the appliance Management Console for the first time, the system now shows the Terms of Service to accept

Turned off anonymous access to the appliance network share to eliminate the NULL Session vulnerability

Increased the speed of the backup data replication by optimizing the metadata compression

Retention policies are not applied now to those backup jobs that are replicated at the moment

Improved the loading speed of the appliance Management Console

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.5, the incremental DR backup jobs, when run concurrently, started taking four times longer to complete

Browse and restore failure (error “Invalid partition data!”)

VMware VM restore failure (error “Failed to create VM on restore”)

Dynamic disks were not available for browsing and restoring

Upon rebooting a VM booted on the appliance (Management Console › BootActive), the VM stopped responding with the libivrt.xml file spoiled pointing to the disk images in the initial backup job

VM boot verification on the appliance could occasionally fail and show the message “Guest has not initialized the display (yet)”

Appliance could not send an alert email about no free space

After canceling a DR or a VM restore job in progress, the dialog with results showed two records about the canceled job instead of one

The system failed to load any information in the Save/Restore Configuration section (appliance Management Console › Settings)

After replacing a failed disk in the RAID and rebooting the appliance, or after restarting the appliance with a failed disk in the RAID, the appliance booted in the emergency mode with inoperable network instead of the NoRAID mode as designed

An email notification sent by the appliance upon the license server communication failure included incorrect contact phone numbers

Appliance could occasionally suggest updating its firmware to the previous version

Backup jobs could not be deleted from the appliance because the system boot manager blocked their removal despite there were no active booted VMs

Failure to completely delete a backup job from the appliance (the system removed the job from the Management Console, but the files and metadata associated with the job were still present on the appliance RAID)

Occasional warning Insufficient Storage Space on /run/initiramfs/overlayfs in the Notices widget in the appliance Management Console

Error after starting the appliance in the NoRAID mode and logging in to its Management Console


Support of 4K sector hard drives and virtual disks for backup and restore operations

Support of Hyper-V clusters for backup and restore operations

Support of VMware HotAdd transport mode that improves performance and increases the speed of VMware VM backups

Option to check if the DR image restore disk supports the RAID controller of the target computer to properly perform the restore

Updated virtual appliance for VMware to use hardware version 11 supported by ESXi 6.0 and later

Improved handling of multiple running VMware VM backup processes so that if one process hangs or stops, and requires restarting, it does not affect the other running backup processes

Appliance operating system now supports the XFS trim/discard for SSDs to decrease the number of writes, increase writing throughput, and thus prolong the drive service life

If free disk space on the appliance is critically low, all running jobs are canceled, new jobs cannot be started, all booted VMs are suspended, and new VMs cannot be booted

Network adapter type in the virtual appliance for VMware from E1000 to VMXNET 3

Hyper-V backup failure because the DR engine could not properly include and exclude the selected disks within the volume set (error “Failed to start SnapshotSet”)

System logs of the appliance were full of error messages regarding the failure to push the monitoring statistics (“pushing monitoring statistics failed”)

Every second subsequent incremental DR image or Hyper-V backup job took more time than the first incremental backup even with no significant changes to the backup data set

Appliance could not start properly because of the incorrect startup settings generated after the firmware update (invalid /raider/configs/bay.properties file)

Appliances with small DOM could not boot after diagnostics

Backup jobs could not be deleted from the appliance because the system boot manager blocked their removal despite there were no active booted VMs

If appliance was hard restarted, the system database could not be loaded automatically

Appliance failed to update the system time and date via NTP servers when configured manually in the Management Console › SettingsDate/Time (error “Update of time failed. Please check the configuration or try again later”)

After the boot verification of a backup was interrupted (for example, by hard restart or shutdown of the appliance), the system failed to boot any new VMs

DR image backup failure because the DR engine could not properly include and exclude the selected disks within the volume set (error “Couldn’t prepare backup ranges for {GUID}\Disks\harddiskN”)

After an unexpected restart or shutdown of the appliance, the jobs that were running before the event remained in the system database, but were not visible in the Management Console. Also, those jobs were not affected by the backup retention policies, and thus took the appliance disk space.

After deploying a new virtual appliance for VMware and upon its first boot, the system could not mount DDFS, and thus the appliance was not usable (error “block dedup setup failed”)

After updating the appliance firmware from version 8.7.5 to 8.8.0, the Management Console of the appliance could not be loaded and was unavailable (failure to start the stark service)

DR backup agent could not work in Windows with FIPS mode turned on because of the non-approved cryptographic algorithms


Appliance now shows the amount of time a booted VM has been running and available

Appliance now shows the ID of the backup job, from which the VM was booted

Option to enable appliance to collect and record performance data about its boot process for profiling and troubleshooting

To improve the connection to and interaction with the appliance, the system now limits the metadata transfer rate if the network bandwidth for replication is limited (appliance Management Console › ReplicationMode/Options)

To avoid system overload, the appliance does not now pre-generate and show the VNC addresses used to access the booted VMs via a browser-based VNC viewer

NIC bonding settings are now available again for changing and configuring via the appliance Management Console

During the Hyper-V backup, if the backed up VM had two or more virtual disk files (VHDX) attached with the same name, but with different paths, the appliance would back up only the latest detected one, while overwriting the others

The time zone set manually in the appliance Management Console was not applied at the core system level and thus shifted the backup start timings

DR image backup failed with the CRC data error (bad blocks)

DR image backup jobs failed with error “The system cannot find the file specified”

Interrupting (restarting the appliance during) the process of conversion of a VM booted on the appliance to a backup resulted in the inconsistent backup data

“NullPointerException” error during the Hyper-V VM backup restore

Missing step to configure the network switch in the restore wizard for Hyper-V VM backup

When browsing and restoring a DR image or a VM backup, and if network connection with the appliance was lost, browse and restore could not be performed anymore, no protected space was shown for all jobs, and boot verification failed with no boot device available

No notification shown in the Notices widget after starting the support tunnel and then restarting the appliance

The time zone set manually in the appliance Management Console was not set at the core system level, but was shown correctly in the Management Console

When updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7.x, the appliance lost the gateway and the update did not complete

After updating firmware to version 8.7.3, the appliance had insufficient disk space for operating system and database to work properly (error “Insufficient Storage Space on /run/initramfs/overlayfs”)

After updating firmware to version 8.7.x, the appliance could not start properly because of the incorrect startup settings (invalid /raider/configs/bay.properties file)

After updating the appliance firmware from version 8.6.1 to 8.7.3, the service license became invalid, and the appliance had to be registered in the Dashboard again

Failure to import backup jobs if the total number of the backed up files for all jobs on a client exceeded certain value

Updating the appliance firmware from version 8.6.1 to 8.7.3 resulted in complete appliance re-initialization

When submitting a support request, the appliance ignored the SMPT port set in the email settings, and always tried to send emails using port 25

When trying to access a primary appliance remotely from the Dashboard, the system redirected to the wrong appliance


Appliance now writes data to DDFS always from the beginning by default, but not sequentially


Improved DDFS and replication performance by decreasing data fragmentation and thus optimizing data read operations

Failure to access the appliance remotely from the Dashboard after the lasting disconnection (“Error on getting browse URL”)

Failure to back up a Hyper-V VM that included a virtual disk with the uppercase file name extension (error “No disks for job”)


Appliance Console Configuration Utility failed to update the current network configuration when changed in the Management Console and showed a message that the network was not configured (when in fact it was)

After changing the DNS settings (appliance Management Console › SettingsDNS) and restarting the appliance, the system reverted the settings to how they were before the change

Appliance could sometimes stop replicating backup data because of the process deadlock and showed the Stalled replication status (appliance Management Console › ReplicationStatus)

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7.0, 8.7.1, or 8.7.2, the Management Console failed to load and an empty screen was shown instead

Secondary (cloud) appliance lost connection to the Dashboard and could not be accessed remotely

When booting the appliance with encrypted RAID in the NORAID mode, the system still mounted the RAID


After updating the appliance with an exported network interface (appliance Management Console › SettingsNetwork AdaptersExport Virtual option) to firmware version 8.7 or 8.7.1, and then turning the export off, the network interface configuration broke that led to the appliance could not back up and recover data

After updating the appliance connected to two different subnets on two network interfaces to firmware version 8.7 or 8.7.1, the appliance lost network connectivity because of the broken routing


Backup & Disaster Recovery now requires enabling NTLMv2 authentication on the protected client to establish connection with the appliance, and to properly make Hyper-V and DR image backups

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7, DR image backups started to fail because the appliance had no SMB users for the DR backup agent to connect to the appliance network share (error “The network name cannot be found”)

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7, the system stopped generating URL addresses for NoVNC connections to booted VMs, but showed only ports instead (appliance Management Console › BootActive)

After unsuccessful update of the appliance firmware to version 8.7, DDFS could be mounted several times instead of only once that led to unexpected service behavior

After updating the appliance with configured NIC bonding to firmware version 8.7, NIC had no IP address assigned

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7, network settings on a secondary (cloud) appliance were not available (appliance Management Console › SettingsNetwork Adapters)


Major update of the appliance core operating system to improve security and reliability, and to ensure the long-term support

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7, NIC bonding settings are now not available for changing via the Management Console (if they were configured before the update) or not shown at all (if they were not configured before the update)

Default number of VMs that can be booted on the appliance depending on its model

When the appliance is creating a backup job from a VM booted on it (fallback job), the system shows a notification in the appliance Management Console (DashboardNotices widget, and SettingsReboot/Shutdown) to inform about potential data loss upon the appliance restart or shutdown

Improved management of needless files that are left after each new Hyper-V VM backup and can take extra space

DR image and Hyper-V backups failed after updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7 (error “Storage added but is unavailable”)

DR image backup using the standard DR engine was marked as Successfully Completed despite no disks were backed up (error “No disks for job {job-name} in directory …”)

After changing the content of a file in a Hyper-V VM, and then backing up the VM, content of the file in the backup remained unchanged

Incorrect network name shown in the appliance Management Console › BootActive for a VM booted on the bridged network

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.7, client names in the Client column in the appliance Management Console › JobsRecent Jobs were not shown

Buttons on the upper right (Refresh, Activate configuration, and Logoff) in the appliance Management Console were not shown after reducing the screen resolution


After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.6, backup of Microsoft Exchange Server and SQL Server failed because of the changes to the default VSS configuration



New default retention policies for backups. New policies apply only to the newly setup and configured appliance. Previously configured appliances keep their current retention policies even after firmware update to 8.6.

After updating the appliance firmware to version 8.6, the system automatically converts all existing LiveBMR backup jobs to the file-level backup jobs

DR image backup and all related settings are now available only for clients running Windows

DR engine now enforces full DR image backup if the system detects changes in the disk layout of a client between incremental backups

After DR image backup of a client with GPT disk containing only EFI system partition, DR image was browsable, but could not be booted on the appliance because GPT disk was excluded from backup

DR image backup could fail because standard DR engine included non-critical system state components (with NotSystemState flag) when creating VSS snapshot

Incremental DR image backups failed on the systems that had several instances of the same VSS writer (error “An item with the same key has already been added”)


Support of LiveBMR jobs for bare-metal restore

Windows LiveBMR restore disk image from the appliance Management Console › SettingsDownloads

LiveBMR option when editing the file set of a client (appliance Management Console › ClientsEditFile Set)


Backup jobs that started simultaneously for multiple VMs hosted on the same Hyper-V host could result in some of those jobs finished successfully with warnings or failed after numerous retries

Hyper-V VM backup using the standard DR engine could fail because metadata file path created by VSS for VM snapshots exceeded Windows maximum length of 255 characters (error “The system cannot find the path specified”)

Backup agent

DR backup agent could crash while parsing output data from DR engine (error “System.OutOfMemoryException”)

DR backup agent installers for non-supported operating systems (macOS, FreeBSD, Solaris, NetWare, OpenServer, HP/UX, and AIX) from the appliance Management Console › SettingsDownloads


After DR image or VM backup of a Windows machine in the hibernate state or with Fast Startup (Fast Boot) turned on, the backup could not be booted on the appliance

VMware-related functionality on the appliance stopped working if there was at least one registered VMware VM with NVMe controller (Note: Appliance still does not support backup of VMware VMs with NVMe controllers)

Appliance could incorrectly detect failed verification of a backup job during re-importing and thus show the job as Successfully Completed



Ability to connect to VMs booted on the secondary appliance (set up in the cloud) via web-based VNC connection

Improved safety of data of a VM booted on the appliance by preventing deletion of the backup job, from which the VM was booted, until another backup is created from the booted VM

Safeguarded integrity and consistency of data of a VM booted on the appliance during the VM backup by preventing all manipulations with the VM (settings editing, power management, backup, deletion) until backup is completed


Increased timeout to detect completion of a VMware VM backup job from 10 min to 1 hour so the system would not block its progress too early and mark it as failed

Appliance can now connect to VMware vCenter 7.0—resolved error “VI SDK invoke exception.dom4j.DocumentException: null Nested exception: null”)

Hyper-V (beta functionality)

Standard DR engine now supports Hyper-V-related functionality (agentless VM backup, restore, browse and restore)

Ability to restore Hyper-V VMs to a host with Hyper-V version different from the one they were backed up from (according to the restore compatibility matrix)

Hyper-V subtab in the appliance Management Console › Clients is now available by default

When restoring a Hyper-V VM to another Hyper-V host, if network switch configurations of the VM and the host mismatch, it is now possible to manually map virtual switches of the VM to virtual switches on the host

To ensure data consistency at the time of backup, the appliance enforces full backup of Hyper-V VM clients if integrity of files necessary for incremental backup was violated


System showed false-negative status (Completed With Errors) for DR image backup jobs made with Standard DR engine

After updating the appliance firmware to v8.4.0, time to complete an incremental DR image backup increased significantly because of the issues while cloning backup job files


After updating DR backup agent on a client, the system may run the next scheduled DR image backup for that client as full (regardless of the scheduled backup level), and then change it to what was set before. (Note: After updating to version 8.4, the system will definitely force this behavior.)

DR image backup failed because of the errors with VSS writers not critical for getting basic backups

LiveBMR backup job marked as Successfully Completed despite errors failed to replicate to the secondary appliance. This prevented replication of other backups in queue.

LiveBMR backup job was marked as Successfully Completed despite errors (error “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid path”)

LiveBMR backup jobs with ASR writer data failed to import, and hence could not be deduplicated, replicated, browsed, and archived

If the appliance had proxy enabled and configured (appliance Management Console › SettingsProxy), this could result in the appliance performance slowdown, or even prevent the appliance from completing its tasks (for example, stop DR image backups)

After restarting the appliance, list of VMs (if any) in the appliance Management Console › ClientsHyper-V could sometimes be empty

Layout and styles of elements in the appliance Management Console › JobImporting Jobs so the information in the lower part be more visible and readable

Storage bar in the appliance Management Console would remain green despite the appliance showed a storage space warning or alert

After booting a backup job as VM on the appliance, and then deleting that backup job, the system failed to apply and save changes to the booted VM

VMware VM backup jobs could occasionally stop progressing, and hence prevent the following backup jobs from running because of the ‘concurrent job’ limit


Push Backup Agent functionality was replaced with Update Backup Agent, meaning that DR backup agent for Windows cannot now be installed on a client remotely right from the appliance Management Console (that is, pushed when adding or editing a client). Instead, backup agent can be only updated remotely if it is already installed, running and paired with the appliance.

Virtual appliances for Hyper-V Server 2008 and 2012–2016 were combined in one virtual appliance that can be deployed in all supported Hyper-V environments

Error when trying to boot a VM on the appliance (“Job not found”) because the system failed to properly clean configurations and data of VMs that were previously booted for verification and considered to be running while not shown in the appliance Management Console

Appliance reported a Hyper-V or a VMware VM backup job as Successfully Completed (appliance Management Console › JobsHistory) despite the backed up VM did not have any virtual hard disk drives


Disaster recovery backup agent

DR backup agent for Windows and the standard DR engine now require at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

DR backup agent cannot now be installed on a client remotely right from the appliance Management Console (that is, pushed when adding or editing a client). Instead, pushing the backup agent will only update it if it was installed already

Backup and restore

DR image backup jobs using the standard DR engine could fail if the client returned null response when requested to attach remote storage

After making a Linux file and folder backup and then restoring it to the appliance network share, the restored data was not shown in the appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsAppliance Network Share, and was unavailable through network

DR image backup jobs using the standard DR engine could fail after running for a long time (“An unexpected network error occurred”)

Boot and boot verification

Appliance would schedule backup jobs for boot verification only on alternate days (regardless of system settings) because of improper handling of time zones and limit to verify only one backup job per day

Monitoring and reporting

Appliance would not send information to the Dashboard about completion of a backup job because of the false-negative failure to send information about the start of that job. This resulted in discrepancies between the backup job statuses shown in the appliance Management Console and in the Dashboard

Appliance failed to send the daily report with boot verification screenshots included


Option to reset Changed Block Tracking for VMware VMs right from the appliance Management Console


Reviewed and edited texts in the appliance job message logs for consistency in use of the DR engine names


Disaster recovery engine

DR image backup job failure when committing the backup metadata because the system could not find the metadata files

Incremental DR image backup job failure because the DR engine was unable to read the volume information

Replication and failed verification

Improved the replication process by making the appliance to transfer the SBMF data only once—if and after the replication completed successfully

When configuring replication, the Propagate Manual Delete option is now cleared by default (appliance Management Console › ReplicationMode/OptionsOptionsRemote Appliance Information)

Appliance could respond with significant delays or even stop responding during a high-rate replication process

Boot and boot verification

Option to set DNS when configuring the DR LAN settings for boot orchestration in the appliance Management Console › BootOrchestrationLAN

Monitoring and reporting

Appliance shows a warning that it is unable to connect and send monitoring data to the Dashboard not only if the account credentials used to register the appliance in the Dashboard changed, but also if the trial period for the account ended, and if the account was locked because of the security reasons


Appliance now shows the status and details of the VMware Tools installed on a VMware client (appliance Management Console › ClientsVMwareVMware Tools column)

Appliance would continue making full backups of a VMware VM instead of incremental even if the previous full backup completed successfully with CBT enabled

Message logs of a VMware VM backup job did not show any notification when the appliance was making a full backup instead of incremental if CBT was disabled at the virtual disk level

User experience and user interface

Reworded the error message shown in the message logs of a backup job if the job fails because of the Bacula Director service restart

After adding a Hyper-V cluster to the appliance, Activate Configuration would become active for a few seconds

Broken links to download the DR backup agent for Linux and the DR restore disk (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsDownloads)

Storage bar in the appliance Management Console would remain green despite the appliance showed a storage space warning or alert


Message logs of a backup job now include extra information related to the job (appliance firmware version, backup client ID, backup client IP address, backup agent ID)

Appliance now uses SMB2 by default unless it was previously configured to use SMB1 before this update

Legacy retention settings shown in the properties of a client (appliance Management Console › ClientsSummaryPropertiesBasic Configuration)


Disaster recovery backup agent

Backup agent 8.0 now supports Windows versions only as of Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Updated installer of the backup agent to include components of the Ignyte (Standard) DR engine

Failure to install the backup agent on Windows 7 because of the missing required updates despite they are already present in the system

Disaster recovery engine

Ignyte is now the default standard DR engine

Improved incremental backup of the hard drive volumes after defragmentation

Improved speed of upload to the SMB share using the variable buffer size (from 64 KB to 1 MB)

After changing the DR engine for a Hyper-V client (appliance Management Console › ClientsEdit), backups failed because the change was not applied on the client side

Standard DR engine could not start backup if a ReFS volume was present in the system

DR image backup failed when the standard DR engine was trying to retrieve metadata of a drive volume not included in the backup

Standard DR engine failed to create a DR image backup of a system with an encrypted volume even if it was not included in the backup

Backup and restore

Ability to download folders from backups when browsing and restoring

Support of NVMe drives for bare-metal restore using the DR restore disk

Extra global backup settings (appliance Management Console › SettingsBackupsAdvanced Settings)

When starting backup of a physical machine manually, option to back up as DR image is selected by default (appliance Management Console › ClientsSummaryManual Backup button)

Restoring files and folders to the appliance network share failed with the “Unknown stream ignored” error

Replication and failed verification

Improper handling of files smaller than 50 MB in a backup job, which was replicated and interrupted while in progress, resulted in errors and different statuses of that job on the primary and on the secondary appliances

Propagate Manual Delete option did not work (appliance Management Console › ReplicationMode/OptionsOptionsRemote Appliance Information)

Boot and boot verification

Options to enable boot verification and to set its timeout are now configured per client, but not globally (appliance Management Console › ClientsEditBoot)

Changes to the settings of one boot group (where a client belongs) applied to all other boot groups (appliance Management Console › ClientsEditBoot)

Monitoring and reporting

Email alerts and notifications sent by the appliance now include its serial number (UUID)

If you delete a client from the appliance, the system also removes all relevant monitoring data from the Dashboard

Appliance now uses proxy, if configured, to communicate with the Dashboard

Appliance now reports a backup job as definitely failed only after all attempts to retry or rerun it on errors (if configured in the appliance Management Console › ClientsEditError Recovery)

An archive automatically attached to the support request sent from the appliance Management Console › Support contained not all log files


CBT is now automatically enabled before backup at both VM and virtual disk levels by default

Backup of a VM with enabled CBT failed with a FileFault error when querying for the changed disk areas

Restore of a VM backup to ESXi 6.7 U3 or vCenter 6.7 U3 failed if the backed up VM had automatic video card detection

VM backup failed if the retrieved SSL certificate thumbprint from the host was null because of the network issues

User experience and user interface

Diagnostics tab in the appliance Management Console

If username or password of the account used to register the appliance in the Dashboard is changed, the system now shows a notification in the Notices widget (appliance Management Console › Dashboard)

When a backup job is pushed from the secondary appliance to the primary appliance, the system now shows a notification in the Notices widget (appliance Management Console › Dashboard)

Redesigned UI of the appliance Management Console

Renamed DR engine options available when editing a client in the appliance Management Console › ClientsEdit (Ignyte (beta) to Standard, and Standard to Legacy)

Updated text of the message shown after connection testing failed if replication was configured only on the primary appliance, but not on the secondary appliance (appliance Management Console › ReplicationMode/OptionsRemote Appliance InformationTest Connection)

Arrangement and presentation of sections on the Settings tab in the Management Console of the secondary appliance

Appliance did not log the user out of the Management Console after restart or shutdown

Garbage Collection History table did not update automatically after the garbage collection process completed (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsDeduplicated File System)

Inconsistent date formats in the appliance Management Console

Incorrect default retention policy settings for VM clients shown when adding a VMware connection (appliance Management Console › ClientsVMwareAdd Connections)

Incorrect sorting of VMs in the appliance Management Console › ClientsVMware using the Allow CBT column

Incorrect version of the operating system shown in the properties of clients running Windows Server 2019

Information about the VMware host did not update automatically in the appliance Management Console › ClientsVMwareHost Version column

Invalid port displayed when viewing the Hyper-V connections (appliance Management Console › ClientsHyper-VView Connections)

Misplaced checkboxes when browsing and restoring backups in the appliance Management Console

RAID status did not update automatically until the Refresh button was clicked (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsRAID Configuration)

Secondary appliance showed progress of a backup job started on the primary appliance

When logging in to the appliance Management Console, the login form was not blocking after sending the request and until receiving the response

Diagnostics item in the Help menu in the appliance Management Console


Quick Start Wizard now shows Network Interface Configuration first (instead of the login dialog) if the appliance is unable to access internet

Job message logs now include details for all Hyper-V and DR image backup and restore errors (if any)

Seeding is unavailable now if replication is not configured (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsSeeding)

Increased size of the file that reserves disk space on the appliance up to 10 GB

A backup job, which should be deleted under the retention policies, could not be deleted from the primary appliance if it failed verification on the associated secondary appliance

A ZIP file downloaded when browsing and restoring a backup job contained no files if unpacked using the Windows built-in tool

Failure to restore the appliance configuration because of the incorrect processing of the uploaded configuration file (appliance Management Console › SettingsToolsSave/Restore Configuration)

Negation operator (!) did not work when used in filters in the appliance Management Console › JobsHistory

When trying to search files in a client with no backup jobs performed, the system showed an error instead of notification (appliance Management Console › ClientsSummarySearch)

Recover Catalog feature (appliance Management Console › JobsImporting Jobs)