Checklist for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 backup in Windows 2003

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  1. Add clients.

    Exchange 2007 requires creating two clients on the appliance: one 64-bit client to back up the Exchange database files, and one 32-bit client to backup the email at the mailbox and message level. The two clients must communicate with the Exchange server over different ports.

    1. Add one client with a name like Ex07Data.

      Create the client selecting MS Windows/x64 as the client operating system. Edit this client to use TCP port 9202.

    2. Add another client with a name like Ex07Mailboxes.

      Create this client selecting Windows as the client operating system.

  2. Install the client software.

    • The client software can be downloaded from SettingsToolsDownloads.

    • Be sure to install the 64-bit agent for the Ex07Data client and the 32-bit agent for Ex07Mailboxclient.

  3. Install the MAPI client libraries.

    MAPI client libraries are not included in the base installation of Exchange 2007. To enable the message level backups you will be required to download and install the Microsoft file ExchangeMapiCdo.exe.

  4. Configure the 32-bit agent.

    This is the agent that will run the mailbox level backup.

    • Confirm that VSS is disabled (do not use) for this client.

      Edit the client file set (ClientsEdit › pencil button next to FileSet), and make sure the VSS option is not checked.

    • Be sure that system state is disabled, via the RVXConfig or file set, for this client.

    • If you are running Infrascale Disaster Recovery 3.5, make sure the Enable/Override option is selected in the client file set.

      If this is not enabled, the mailboxes will not be backed up.

    • Because of Exchange overhead, the mailbox level backup will be considerably slower than the database or flat file backup.

      Any flat file or system writer backups should be configured on the database client to maximize backup speeds.

    • A simplified set of permissions for the account running the backup service on Exchange 2007 are as follows (with DOMAIN=your domain, below).

      This user will need to have a mailbox, the mailbox cannot be hidden, and you need to be able to send and receive mail from this mailbox to allow mailbox level backups to succeed.

      1. Create a domain user (such as RvxBackup) with a User Mailbox (easiest using Exchange Management Console).

        This user’s mailbox cannot have the Hide from Exchange address lists property checked.

      2. Add the user to the group on the Exchange server: BUILTIN\Administrators.

        My ComputerManageLocal Users and GroupsGroupsAdministratorsAdd to GroupDOMAIN\RvxBackup.

      3. Add the user to the domain group: DOMAIN\Exchange Organization Administrators.

      4. On the Exchange server › Backup Agent (the 32-bit client with unqualified name, not 64-bit) › Configure BackupRun as AdministratorService ControlStop.

      5. Run Service As › (x) Other Account: DOMAIN\RvxBackup › Password: *** › Confirm Password: ***Start.

  5. May also need to ensure that the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant is started.

Other notes and recommendations

  • Do not install Outlook on the Exchange Server.

    Installing Outlook with break the MAPI we depend on for mailbox backups.

  • The client may be started from either the RVXConfig tool or the Services window.

  • Verify that your Exchange client has a green check mark in ClientSummary.

    You may test the new client by running a manual backup.

    After a possible system state backup, the MBXBackup is performed at the beginning, you may see this working by viewing the properties of a running job.

  • We strongly encourage the use of a Weekly schedule for an Exchange database backup.

  • Please do not run a schedule that mixes differential and incremental backups.

  • Though allowed, we do not recommend truncating the logs after incremental or differential backups.

    By default we truncate the logs only after a full database level (ESE) backup.

  • To verify that Exchange has been backed up, either browse the job in JobsHistory, or browse the client in ClientsSummary.

    You may see the default C:/ directory and also a new EXCHANGE:/ directory. Both directories can be browsed.

    The EXCHANGE:/ directory contains an ESEBackup (database) and an MBXBackup (mailbox) directory. The ESEBackup directory contains the Exchange or mailbox databases. The MBXBackup directory contains the individual mailboxes with their data and email messages.

If you make any changes to the client configuration via the RVXConfig window while the client is running, you must restart the client before changes take effect.