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IInfrascaleSdkListener Methods

The IInfrascaleSdkListener type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleListen(ActionJobSessionContract, ActionJobSessionContract, ActionJobEventsContract, ActionJobSessionContract)
Create an instance of the JobSessionAggregatedListener for listen all Job callbacks without specifiyng callback types. Use other specified Jobs related listeners, if you know real type of the listened Job.
Public methodCode exampleListenTStarted, TProgress, TEvents, TCompleted(ActionTStarted, ActionTProgress, ActionTEvents, ActionTCompleted)
Create an instance of the JobSessionAggregatedListenerBaseTStarted, TProgress, TEvents, TCompleted for listen all Job callbacks with specified callback types. Handles all callbacks. Use other specified Jobs related listeners, if you know real type of the listened Job.
Public methodCode exampleListenJobCompletedT
Public methodCode exampleListenJobEventsT
Public methodCode exampleListenJobProgressT
Public methodCode exampleListenJobStartedT
Public methodCode exampleListenOnlineBackupJob
Create an instance of the OnlineBackupAggregatedListener for listen all OnlineBackup Job callbacks.
Public methodCode exampleListenRecoveryJob
Create an instance of the RecoveryAggregatedListener for listen all Recovery Job callbacks.
Public methodCode exampleListenRefreshRecoveryInfoJob
Create an instance of the RefreshRecoveryAggregatedListener for listen all RefreshRecovery Job callbacks.
See Also